[?]ail! sacred spot to freodom ever dear, Here let her volarles their tribute pay; Come, friends of liberty, and drop it tear, There reals in peace n patriot's slumbering clay. ...
Article : 504 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 3,059 wordsAN OPIUM EATER.—(From an American Paper.)—James Oglive, who acquired great and just celebrity in the United States a few years since, for his rhetorical performances, was a slave to the ...
Article : 1,203 wordsSIR, Impelled by motives of free good will to the Public, and with due deference to Cdnstiluted Authorities, I beg to suggest through the medium ...
Article : 221 wordsTHE late Bishop Heber was entend it Brazen Nose College, Oxford, in 1[?]01, he ob[?]ained the Chancellor's prize for Latin verte, by his very spirted and chassical "Carmen Sæculare," and in 1803, he obtained the Newdegate prize, the ...
Article : 1,165 wordsSIR, You will think it strange that such a being as myself should address the high mightiness of a Newspaper, but you must attribute the intrusion ...
Article : 929 wordsGeneral Bessieres was born in the South of France, of low and obscure parentage. His youth, it is generally asserted, was not without its errors, and it was grlierully reported, that he fled his native country to escape the hand of justice. ...
Article : 627 wordsTHAT well-known Horse DEFIANCE, the Property of Mr. JOHN CULLEN, will Stand during the ensuing Season, at Mr. Oulleu's Farm, Appin; at Mr. Hammond's, Campbell-town; at Mr. Luke's, Cabramatta; at Mr. ...
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 26 Aug 1826, Page 4
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