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  2. No title

    His Excellency the Governor and Commander in Chief has thought proper to direct, that all Public Communications which may appear in the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, signed with any Official Signature, are to be considered as Official Communications made to those Persons to whom they may relate. ...

    Article : 58 words
  3. Government and General Order.

    TRANQUILLITY being happily restored by the Efforts of the Magistracy, in the Districts of Bathurst and [?]'s River, His Excellency the GOVERNOR feels a Pleasure in repealing the Public Notice of the 7th of last ...

    Article : 86 words
  4. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,697 words
  5. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, NOV. 30, 1825. In the Supreme Court.

    WHEREAS the Purchaser of a Grant of Land, containing 30 Acres, in the District of A[?]ds, formerly the Property of Michael May, deceased, bought by Public Auction, on the 18th of August fast, not having paid ...

    Article : 97 words
  6. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, DECEMBER 1, 1825. In the Supreme Court.

    TO-MORROW, the 2d Instant, will be Sold, the Defendant's remaining Stock of Jewellery; consisting of two Gold Snuff-hoxes, I Silver Musical ditto, Pearl and other Necklaces, Rings, Ear-rings, Brooches, &c. ...

    Article : 79 words
  7. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,615 words



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