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  2. DEPUTY COMMISSARY, GENERAL'S OFFICE, Sydney, December 22, 1819.

    NOTICE is hereby given, that about One Hundred Bags of damaged Biscuit and Biscuit Dust, Twelve Barrels of damaged Flour, and a small Quantity of damaged Cocoa will be Sold by Public Auction, at His ...

    Article : 424 words
  3. Sydney.

    Average Prices of Articles at yesterday's market:— Wheat 6s. 10¼d. per bushel; maize 6s. per ditto; barley 4s. 6d. per ditto; potatoes 4s. 6d. per cwt; eggs 2s. 6d. per dozen; butter 2s. 6d. per lb. ...

    Article : 2,048 words
  4. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 964 words
  5. Ship News.

    Sailed this day to resume her voyage of discovery, the French corvette l'Uranie, commanded by Monsieur Freycinet. On getting under weigh, she salu[?]ed the fort, which was returned by the battery from Dawes' ...

    Article : 36 words



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