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  2. Bathurst.

    DEAB TOWN AND COUNTRY.—I can send you but little sporting news. I see more than one of the clothed taking morning exercise,—"O.K." shining brightly among them; and I hear our sound friend, ...

    Article : 262 words
  3. Cricket Notes

    THERE'S not much to tell of this week, further than what will no doubt he given in your cricket column of matches; but I heard from a member of the United Eleven that the team is likely to go to play at Maitland ...

    Article : 1,014 words
  4. Tattersall's Race Meeting.—January 2, 1870.

    The following entries were made on Wednesday afternoon, and declared in the evening at Tattersall's:— First Race.—The Helter Skelter Stakes of 15 sovs, ...

    Article : 878 words
  5. Sale of the Count De Lagrange's Stud.

    IT was a curious sight, that on last Monday afternoon, as seen from the Tattersall rostrum. There are sales and sales. We remember the crowd that came hither to gape at Hermit—the rush to see Lady Elizabeth ...

    Article : 1,901 words
  6. Ballarat Races.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,277 words



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