The Mayor of Adelaide (Mr. Cohen, M.P.,) will extend an official welcome to the commander and officers of the German cruiser Condor in the City Council chamber ...
Article : 942 wordsThe late Queen Draga's sister is now on a lecturing tour through Switzerland, Germany, and Austria, revealing the circumstances surrounding the assassination of ...
Article : 60 wordsMr. Stephens' moved in the Legislative Council yesterday for a comprehensive return of vessels wrecked or stranded in this province since its foundation and ...
Article : 213 wordsThe death of Mr. W. R. Boothby, C.M.G., rendered vacant the offices of Sheriff of South Australia and Chief Returning Officer of the state. These positions ...
Article : 450 wordsThe Koelnische Zeitung) a daily news-paper published in Cologne, denies the rumour that the German Government will endeavour to prevent the election of ...
Article : 371 wordsKing Edward and Queen Alexandra em-barked at Belfast on the royal yacht Victoria and Albert, and steamed to Baleran, County Londonderry. They then landed, ...
Article : 147 wordsIn the South Melbourne Police Court to-day Rp King O'Malley was chaired by Charles Fred Horton with having assaulted him on July 21. Great interest was ...
Article : 1,586 wordsThe new Servian Government has repudiated a contract for a large purchase of Roumanian salt. The step has been taken in consequence of the action of King Charles ...
Article : 64 wordsGreat Britain has consented to the opening of a Bulgarian diplomatic agency in London. ...
Article : 20 wordsThe Legislative Council at Capetown on Tuesday adopted the South African Customs Convention, as drafted by the Bloemfontein Conference a few months ago. By ...
Article : 410 wordsNext in rank to the Pope are the members of the College of Cardinals, comprising six cardinal bishops. 50 cardinal priests, and 14 cardinal deacons, or a total of 70. Four ...
Article : 270 wordsAfter long delay, the Imperial Court at Pekin has ratified the commercial treaty with Great Britain which, was negotiated at Shanghai last year by Sir J. L. Mackay ...
Article : 209 wordsThere appears to be a diversity of [?] whether the Moneyleaders Bill prepared by Mr. Archibald, M.P., is likely to prove effective in preventing the abuses ...
Article : 579 wordsNewspapers published in Rome complain that Dr. Lappom's task of embalming, Pope Leo's body was inefficiently done, and that, owing to the hot weather now prevailing ...
Article : 73 wordsThe Prime Minister said to-night that the portfolio resigned by Mr. Kingston had not been allotted. Judging by conversation in the lobbies it is almost certain that ...
Article : 299 wordsMr. Otto II. Schomburgk, who was on Wednesday appointed Sheriff of the state, is the only son of the late Dr. Schomburgk, formerly Curator of the Botanical ...
Article : 176 wordsMr. G. W. Smalley, New York correspondent of The Times, declares that the lynching of negroes is now such a common event in the United States that the ...
Article : 116 wordsWho will be the next Pope? This is the question which runs from mouth to mouth. It is the only indication to those outside of the vast and complicated machinery set ...
Article : 532 words"When an official of the standing and [?]quisite tact of Sir Arthur Lawley finds necessary to refer in scathing terms to ft attitude of the Dutch Reformed Churc ...
Article : 274 wordsMr. G. Hamilton Ayliffe, who has been appointed Chief Returning Officer of the state, has been in the Government service since February, 1859. In 1883 he was ...
Article : 197 wordsDr. T. D. Griffiths (President of the British Medical Association), in an address before the members of the association at ...
Article : 94 wordsDiscovery Relief Expedition.—The Morning Post affirms that the Admiralty have appointed Capt. Colbeck, of the Morning, to command the expedition. ...
Article : 216 wordsThis afternoon the management of the Great Boulder Mine posted a development note at the Chamber of Mines to the effect that the diamond drill boring ...
Article : 520 wordsSir—The Anglican Mission to New Guinea, is greatly indebted to you for the full report of the annual meeting given in The Register on Saturday last. Would ...
Article : 373 wordsSpeaking to-night in reference to the statements by the Hon. R. S. Guthrie, M.L.C. published in this morning's Age, Sir Edmund Barton said:—"Of this I am ...
Article : 706 wordsA mysterious contagious disease resembling smallpox is prevalent in Cambridge, and hundreds of persons are affected. Seven deaths have been reported. In ...
Article : 74 wordsNow that the bequests of the late Pontiff are laid bare to the world (says a correspondent in The Sydney Morning Herald) it would appear that Pope Leo XIII. after ...
Article : 467 wordsThree new cases of smallpox were reported to-day. The patients resided in different parts of the city. They have been removed to the isolation hospital. ...
Article : 34 wordsAt the dance and social of the Palmerston Musical and Dramatic Society, held in the town hall on Monday evening, Mr. Justice Dashwood, the President, made a ...
Article : 70 wordsIn the House of Representatives to-day. Sir Edmund Barton tabled a reply to Mr. Chamberlain's despatch of April 20, referring to coloured labour on mail steamers. ...
Article : 284 words{No abstract available}
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The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Thu 30 Jul 1903, Page 5
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