Since writing the above we have received the Canten Register of the 19th by the Caledonia, from which we give the following interesting extract:— "The Select Committee have virtually ...
Article : 133 wordsAugust 20. Lady Rowena [ship), Russell, master, from London, 17 packages scale beams, boards, and weights, 4 packages books and papers, Collector and Comptroller of Customs; 100 ...
Article : 681 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,014 wordsEllzabeth (brig), Stewart, master, for New Zealand—4 cases and 18 muskets, 2 kegs flints and balls, 2 bales slops, 2 kegs gunpowder, I bundle hardware, 5 baskets tobacco, and stores. ...
Article : 126 wordsLondon—Carolinc, 300 tons, W. Dawes, 1st Sept. Gilmore, 500 tons, M. Phillips, 14th October. ...
Article : 19 wordsLambton, Corlette, 62 tons, Port Stephens, sundries. Monitor, Nichols, 20 tons, Newcastle, ditto. Carrabeen, Reeves, 18 tons, ditto, coals. ...
Article : 53 wordsGlatton, Pickett, 13 tons, Newcastle, ballast. Linnet, Warman, 12 tons, ditto, household furniture Carrabeen, Reeves, 18 tons, ditto, ballast. ...
Article : 82 wordsStock on hand, 14th August, B.P. Rum, 90, 534 gallons; brandy, 80,532 gallons; gin, 28,538 gallons; other spirits, 11,399 gallons; tobacco, 185,869 pounds. ...
Article : 87 wordsArrivals.—On the 21st Instnt, the Marquis of Huntley, 564 tons, Ascough, master, from Portsmouth the 27th April, with 228 male prisoners. Wm. Bell Carlisle, Esq. Surgeon-Superintendent. ...
Article : 180 words"That we the Precident, and select Committee of Supra-cagoes, being duly authorised by Acts of the British Legislature, to superintend all the affairs of the English Nation in China, do hereby ...
Article : 161 wordsMr. O'Connell gave notice that he should, to-morrow, move an address, in order to obtain copies of the indictments under which James Cocks and others, in Van Dimen's ...
Article : 989 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838), Wed 25 Aug 1830, Page 3
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