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Advertising : 1,627 wordsOCTOBER 21.—The barque TRIAL, Day, master, om London, the 18th May, and Rio Janeiro, the 6th August, with merchandize. Passengers, Mr. ad Mrs. Henry Harper, child and servant Mr. ...
Article : 655 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 912 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 18 wordsThe SPARTAN arrived yesterday From London, but brings no later news than that at present received. A letter from a private Correspondent ...
Article : 71 wordsFRIDAY MORNING,—Before their Honors the three Judges. Hugh M'Kay was placed at the bar to receive the sentence of the Court, having pleaded guilty ...
Article : 1,065 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 957 wordsTO-MORROW, week, being the 1st of November, will be an important day for Sydney. The citizens will be called upon to exercise the privilege of electing their Council on ...
Article : 3,038 wordsTHURSDAY.—Before- his Honor the Chief Justice. Stephen Brennan, a prisoner from Norfolk Island, was placed at the bar, arraigned on an ...
Article : 1,274 wordsSIR,—In your paper of this day, under the head of "Insolvent Court," it is erroneously reported that in the estate of Thomas George Shelton, the claim of W. G. Burgess for £924 9s. 11d. was not ...
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The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Mon 24 Oct 1842, Page 2
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