MY LORD,—On subject of colonial administration, to begin South Africa, Pechaps there is no colony which more fantastic tricks have been played the principal element of ...
Article : 2,443 wordsTHE COLONISTS PETITION TO PARLIAMENT.—Extract from a letter from a correspondent recently received, dated London, 20th June:—As to the success of the petition I have ...
Article : 898 wordsTo the advocates of this barbarous amusements we advise (next to an occasional dozen or five and twenty themselves of a morning to try how they like it)—the perusal of the following little extract ...
Article : 952 words24.—From Hobart Town, the ship Flora, Sherriff; lading, sugar sundries. 25.—From New Zealand, the brig Dart, (120 tons), Handson, lading 50 tons of tax; passenger ...
Article : 1,253 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 102 wordsWe subjoin a letter received from a gentleman, who had the misfortune lately to lose his vessel. Exeter Bay, 15th September.—I avail myself of the present opportunity of acquainting you with ...
Article : 394 wordsTHE LATE MR. FRASER.—In our obituary of this day, inserted elsewhere, will be found the name of Mr. Charles Fraser, who for many years had the superintendence of the ...
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The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Fri 30 Dec 1831, Page 3
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