Population of the 60 [?] to be disfrachised, accoding to the season of 1821. Population. Alborough (York) 484 Milbourne.....1,440 ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 575 wordsGeorge-street.—John Boreham, Fortune of War; Stephen Bax, Australian Hotel, Samuel Thornton, Union; John Redman, Keep within Compass; Thomas Brell, St. John's Tavern; John ...
Article : 768 wordsWEDNESDAY, 20th.—John Nowlan and Margaret Creek, were indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 29th May last, one pair of beets, value ten shullings, the property of James Howey, a private ...
Article : 870 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,392 wordsPlant potatoes and transplant evergreens; make layers and cuttings; and set stocks for grading; sow cabbage, turnip, and other vegetable esculents. AUGUST,—August was called Sextilis by the ...
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The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Fri 5 Aug 1831, Page 4
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