Topics of considerable interest have for a time caused suspension to bur discussions on the state of the Colony. But the period of interruption to this branch of our labours has not been unprofitable spent, as it has afforded us the opportunity of ...
Article : 8,768 wordsJohn Adams, a free mechanic, articled to the Australian. Agricultural Company, was charged, on Thursday, by Mr. Dawson, the manger with refusing to perform certain work alloted him, though not exceeding the terms of his agreement, and ...
Article : 381 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 3,026 wordsGeorge Glew, James Smith, and:—Savage, were indicted for receiving property, knowing the same to have been feloniously stolen from the premises of Messrs. Aspinall, Brown and Co., Sydney, in the month of March last ...
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The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Sat 23 Sep 1826, Page 4
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