Is she not beautiful although so pale? The first May flowers are not more colourless Than her white cheek; yet I recal the time When she was called the rose-bud of our village. ...
Article : 1,242 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 221 wordsTHE public evinced their appreciation of talent, and the liberality of their disposition, by a most respectable and very numerous assemblage at the Concert-room, on Wednesday evening, for the benefit of Mr. Sippe, whose ...
Article : 606 wordsWE beg to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Cooper and Levey. It was once our intention to criticise the new Bank in its origin; progress, and effects, and particularly to dwell on the motives of the projector and ...
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The Monitor (Sydney, NSW : 1826 - 1828), Fri 13 Oct 1826, Page 5
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