"The following letter was addressed on April 14 to the Chancellor of the British Exchequer: - While congratulating you upon your able exposition in the House last ...
Article : 248 wordsA commotion has been caused by the new duties imposed by Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. The wine trade in especially in arms, and proposes to make a fight for it ...
Article : 3,507 wordsIn connection with the stranding of the coastal steamer Tomki at Morna Point on May 2, the Marine Board today decided to d for three months the certificate of ...
Article : 421 wordsOn Monday morning Sir Charles Todd said:—"I am glad to be able to say we had during the last forty-eight hours fair general but pitchy rains, extending, although, very ...
Article : 222 wordsThe Trustees of the State Bank have purchased the property situated at the corner of Piric and. Freeman streets, formerly occupied and owned by the Union Bank, and ...
Article : 490 wordsAt a banquet given by the Savage Club on Saturday in honour of the High Commissioner for Canada, Lord Strathcona, and the Agents General of British colonies, the ...
Article : 171 wordsAs a result of the negotiations which have taken place between the Italian Government and the T'sung-li-Yamen, China Las consented to Italy occupying Sanmun Bay, in the province of Chekiang, purely as a commercial port. ...
Article : 55 wordsThe Transvaal authorities still affect to believe that a large section of the Uitlanders contemplate raising the standard of revolt against the Republic. The sentries ...
Article : 160 wordsKeen disappointment was expressed in Sheffield this morning when rain fell so heavily that it was apparent that the match between the Australian and York ...
Article : 135 wordsAdmiral George Dewey, who has for the past twelve months commanded the American Asiatic Squadron, at Manila, has left for the United States. ...
Article : 69 wordsThe Premier addressed the electors of King Divison tonight. Admission before 8 o'clock was strictly limited to the voters of the division, who had to present their ...
Article : 301 wordsIn obedience to instructions received from the heads of the Mohammedan faith in Constantinople, the Moslems who have been resident in the island of Crete are ...
Article : 44 wordsWe understand that Mr. C. A. Cox, of London, who paid a visit to South Australia, last year, has taken up 340 square miles of country, about forty miles west of Charlotte ...
Article : 75 wordsThomas Kitchen exsecretary to the Albert District, No. 83,1.O.R., Salford Unity, who was recently apprehended in Sydney On a charge of having embezzled moneys be ...
Article : 549 wordsOwing to the suspicions felt by the Italian Government in regard to the influence of the Holy Sec, the Pope has temporarily withdrawn from the Hague the Papal ...
Article : 160 wordsMadame Sarah Bernhardt fulfilled one of her cherished ambitions on Saturday night by appearing as "Hamlet" on the stage of her new theatre in Paris. The performance ...
Article : 74 wordsA lockout has occurred in the building trade in Denmark owing to the masters refusing to comply with the demands of the employes. The stoppage of work is ...
Article : 52 wordsThe Railways Commissioner, Mr. A. G. Pendleton, who with the Engineer-in-Chief, Mr. A. B. Moncrieff, the Locomotive Engineer, Mr. T. Roberts. and the General ...
Article : 65 wordsThe Chief Secretary has received an important telegram from the Japanese Consul at Townsville in which he states that he had sent a cable message to his ...
Article : 88 wordsTwenty thousand weavers of Austria, who are out on strike, have appealed to the textile operatives of Lancashire to send them funds to enable them to obtain ...
Article : 44 wordsA deputation of unemployed wilted on the Premier today, and asked that the Government would push on any reproductive works it night contemplate carrying out. ...
Article : 377 wordsThe Railways Commissioner, Mr. A. G. Pendleton left by the Melbourne express on Monday afternoon to attend the annual Conference of Railway Commissioners ...
Article : 101 wordsThe meeting of the City Fathers on Monday afternoon was chiefly remarkable for the commendable celerity which characterized, the transaction of the business. The ...
Article : 234 wordsAn alarming mishap has befallen the New York steamer Paris, 10,059 tons, which was recently released from commission as an auxiliary American cruiser. ...
Article : 174 wordsDespatches from British Columbia give particulars of a fire which has nearly demolished Dawson City, 'the centre of the Klondyke goldfields, which had during the last two years been the scene of other serious conflagrations. ...
Article : 64 wordsThe General Manager of the Dundas Railway received the following telegram from Mr. E. L. Hall, Chairman of the Hoard appointed to enquire into the recent. ...
Article : 59 wordsA preposition was lately formulated here that Western Australia should stipulate before entering into federation for the construction of an intercolonial railway within ...
Article : 279 wordsA public meeting was held in the Adelaide Town Hail on Monday evening to discuss the grievances of the Uitlanders in the Transvaal. The Mayor. Mr. A. W. ...
Article : 257 wordsIt is stated that Mr. H. D. Bell. solicitor of Wellington has been approached a to his willngness to accept the position of Chief Justice, bill the opinion is gaining ...
Article : 195 wordsA shocking instance of barbarity is reported from the Congo Free state in Central Africa.Captain Maurice Douglas Bell, a British ...
Article : 97 wordsA shocking tragedy is reported from New York. An Anarchist named Daly brutally murdered Mr. English, an American millionaire, who had refused to give him alma when called upon to do to. ...
Article : 46 wordsThe following letter was read at the meeting of the Hindmarsh Corporation on Monday evening:—"I have the honour to state that I have been directed to enquire ...
Article : 298 wordsThe Judges of the United Chambers of the Court of Cassation have been summoned to meet on May 29, in order to consider the revision of the Dreyfus case, regarding which M. BallotBeaupre, one of the Presidents, has for some time been engaged in preparing a report. ...
Article : 63 wordsIt was with a considerable feeling of relief that those on board incoming steamers passed through Port phillip Heads on Sunday night and this, morning into the com ...
Article : 402 wordsThe ballot paper concerning the Council franchise put the following question:— Are you in favour of extending the franchise for the Legislative Council to all ...
Article : 416 wordsThe steamer Cygnet sailed for wyndnam on Tuesday. Passengers Miss Evans, and Messrs. Stretton and Little. The Cygnet returned on Friday. Passengers—Miss Evans, and Messrs. Strelton and Little. ...
Article : 89 wordsTwo Greeks, who reside in the slums of Alexandria, Egypt, are pronounced to be suffering from the dreaded bubonic plague. The Governments of Greece and Italy ...
Article : 57 wordsOn Monday morning Mr. C. F. Clough. Resident Engineer of the Southern Line, who hat been away on Tour months leave of absence, returned to Adelaide. During ...
Article : 277 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 477 wordsThe French cruiser Suffren, whose keel wag laid down at the Brest yards in January last, will be launched in July. This will constitute a record for dispatch in ...
Article : 83 wordsSir—I do not think any remarks made by me at Sir Edwin Smith's on Saturday could be construed into a promise that the Norwood Cyeling Club should have the use ...
Article : 393 wordsMessrs. W. Howard Smith's steamer KOnoowarra collided with the wharf at Rockhampton this morning, slightly damaging the wharf, cracking one of her plates and denting another on the port bow, and ...
Article : 77 wordsAn application was made to Mr. Justice Williams today for an order appointing as liquidators of the Standard Banking Association Limited. Messrs Alfred Ernest ...
Article : 185 wordsThe Marine Board today heard further evidence in connection with the application made to it that the ship Republic should be allowed to proceed to sea. Captain ...
Article : 80 wordsThe steamer James Comrie arrived at Port Adelaide from kingseote on Monday night having on board Captain Creswell M.C wells Assistant Tide surveyor ...
Article : 163 wordsOn May 14 Mr. M. Porter. of American River, Kangaroo Island, island, picked up a whisky bottle containing a message, written in lead pencil, upon the beach between Point Rev. ...
Article : 112 wordsMessrs. Burns, Philp, & Co. are in receipt of a cable message from Japan to the effect that in the future the mail steamers of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha will continue ...
Article : 73 wordsIn pursuance of a scheme adopted by the Wesleyan Conference to raise 50,000 guineas by subscription among the Wesleyan Methodists of Australia as a ...
Article : 95 wordsThe Directors " of the Adelaide and Hyde Park Tramway Company, in their report for the half-year ended April 30, state:—"'The operations show a surplus of £600 ...
Article : 164 wordsOn Saturday, May 20, the Medical Staff Corps were out for a stretcher drill under their commanding officer, Surgeon-Captain Buckle, who has just been promoted to the ...
Article : 49 wordsIt was reported From Seal Rocks this afternoon that a topsail schooner was in a disabled condition eight miles to the eastward. The vessel's foremast, jibbom. and ...
Article : 72 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 57 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 459 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tue 23 May 1899, Page 5
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