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    SHIP NEWS.—The ship Mary, Capt. Orman, which recently arrived here from Calcutta with a cargo for ...

    Article : 409 words
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    The following very simple and new me thod of making butter may be serviceable to some of our Readers is in the Country.— Put the cream intended for butter into a strong ...

    Article : 238 words
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    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 336 words
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    It will be in the recollection of some of our Readers that a very gallant action was fought in the year 1814 between the Hibernia merchant ship and the American privateer Comet, ...

    Article : 114 words

    "At [?]" 30' P. M. Saba bearing N.N.E. 7 0r 8 leagues, saw tow scho[?]ners to the fourthward standing to the northward. At 2" 30' the headmost we perceived to be a large ...

    Article : 783 words



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