August 13—Schooner Harp, 72 tons, T. Dowens, for Melbourne; Wm. Johnstone, agent. 17—Schooner Robert and Betsy, 140 tons, ...
Article : 712 wordsTHE Attorney-General has rather cleverly lifted the saddle from his own shoulders and placed it on the back of Parliament. This is, however, no ...
Article : 483 wordsMr. Balfe presented a petition from 23 settlers of Victoria, praying the house to vest the road through Messrs. Degraves' land, and proclaimed by the Governor, in ...
Article : 254 wordsPORT DE FRANCE, MAY 29—The happy change which at last has taken place in the prospects of this colony by the arrival of His Excellency Commodore de Saisset. ...
Article : 490 wordsThe steam-tug Tamar came up the river early yesterday morning. The Owen Glendower will haul off the Wharf to-morrow and anchor over the bar. ...
Article : 41 wordsReturns relative to Crown lands moved for by hon. Mr. Whyte, were laid on the table by the Colonial Secretary. The Marriage Bill, Salmon Bill, and ...
Article : 105 wordsIn Committee of Supply, the grants to the Royal Society and the Museum were made £800 and £200 respectively. The Treasurer gave notice that on ...
Article : 2,396 wordsNo change has occurred in the markets since our last, Flour from 26l 10s to 27l; wheat, 11s to 11s 6d, oats, 4s to 4s 6d; barley nominal; hay, 5l 10s; potatos, 3l 10s to 3l 15s. ...
Article : 101 wordsTo Adelaide Sydney, and Melbourne, per Royal Shepherd, on Friday, 19th instant, at half-past 12 o'clock. Letters detained, being insufficiently stamped, ...
Article : 78 wordsOn the motion of the Colonial Secretary a commission was appointed to consider the correspondence between the Government and certain individuals with reference ...
Article : 58 wordsSIR,—I have the honor to submit for the information of the Board of Immigration the half-yearly report of this department with tabular returns appended. ...
Article : 676 wordsMr. Houghton (Wednesday) to move an address to His Excellency to place on the estimates 150l. for the purpose of placing two constables at Cressy, and for the ...
Article : 1,605 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 126 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Thu 18 Aug 1859, Page 2
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