Some time back, in commenting upon the effect of the legislation passed by Parliament to compel male and female sufferers from venereal diseases to report ...
Article : 973 wordsThe death of Mr. David Forrest removes a well-known figure from the city. Although at no time prominent, in public life he was keenly interested in public ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 844 wordsIt is announced that the annual salaries of teachers in charge of schools shall be according to the following scale:—Class [?]1 £580 to £450 (male). £320 to £370(female) ...
Article : 392 wordsWhile motoring to the Aspendale Park races yesterday, a party of bookmakers were thrown out of their car, through one of the wheels coming off, and four of them ...
Article : 69 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 169 wordsA serious fire on Rottnest Island has swept a large area on the northern beach of that much-used holiaay resort bare- it is believed the flames gained origin from ...
Article : 391 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Fri 12 Jan 1917, Page 51
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