When Ibsen set loose the little spring that put primarily into movement the potent machinery of women's thought he could never has imagined the many forms of ...
Article : 1,822 wordsGuaranteed.—"There is one matrimonial pet which seldom fails to catch the [?] What Is it?" "A coronet." Madeline:' "He's a nice young man to take a ...
Article : 1,211 wordsSome time back the metropolitan council of the Australian Labour Federation gave pawing consideration to the University question and the relation of the labour ...
Article : 1,392 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 488 wordsThe following probates and lefters of administration were granted durin the past week:—Probates; bald McIntyre, carrabin, baker, to ...
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Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Fri 20 Mar 1914, Page 53
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