The Governor has received a cable stating that Trooper H. Hayward, of the South Australian Bushmen's Corps, was slightly wounded near Mafeking on August 13. ...
Article : 42 wordsTHE key shook in the cold, bony hands as she fixed it inside the lock and opened the drawer, which appeared to be but an ordinary one, ...
Article : 1,626 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,047 wordsEight lads who left Sydney by Friday night's steamer to Newcastle to capture the Governors were arrested at Hexham and returned to Sydney. The leader of the party ...
Article : 101 wordsAn extraordinary divorce suit was heard in Melbourne to-day. Minnie Chestine Burrows, of Hawthorn, petitioned for a divorce from Harry Burrows, commercial ...
Article : 149 wordsThe fourteenth half-yearly general meeting of the Broken Hill South company was held to day. The proceedings were quiet and brief, Mr. Molesworth Greene, the chairman, ...
Article : 65 wordsOn Saturday, on the Port Adelaide rifle range, Captain Hipwell, instructor in musketry, in shooting in a match for places in the Adelaide-Rifle Club team, put up the ...
Article : 124 wordsThe president of the Marine Board to-day received the following telegraph message from the head lightkeeper at Cape Borda:—"8.30 a.m.: A steamer with two masts and white ...
Article : 109 wordsAn inquest was held to-day on the body of Mrs. Kendrick, who threw herself off the cliffs at Coogee yesterday. John McDermott, deceased's brother, said his sister had no ...
Article : 95 wordsSix members of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly report having lost their gold members' railway passes. ...
Article : 30 wordsWilliam Zucraft, aged 52, living at Ascot. Vale, left his home to-day, telling his wife that he would commit suicide, and threw himself in front of an Essendon train. ...
Article : 143 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 611 wordsAUNT JAN ushered into the presence of her august mistress a small, gentlemanly looking young man, with closely-cropped, dark, wavy ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,919 wordsTHE greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be ...
Article : 109 words{No abstract available}
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Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), Tue 21 Aug 1900, Page 1
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