Ninety-three of the most prominent men of Germany; distinguished in various brunches of science, art, education, and literature, have recently circulated ...
Article : 1,388 wordsA coroner's inquest was held to-day in case of Gertrude Ruth Selina Spratt, aged 21. It was shown in evidence that deceased had been secretly married in ...
Article : 251 wordsAt a meeting of the executive council the resignation of Mr. George Nettlefold, of Baden, as coroner for Tasmania was accepted. ...
Article : 30 wordsA meeting of the Launceston men's branch of the Liberal League was held last evening to consider the position that has arisen in connection with the ...
Article : 431 wordsA committee meeting of the Latrobe Tourist and Improvement Association was held on Wednesday night. Mr. Ready was in the chair. Mr. Geo. Keen ...
Article : 181 wordsThe delay due to the sinking of the dredge Ponrabbel by the Emden is unfortunate, but the Master Warden (Mr. J. C. Newton) seen no reason why it ...
Article : 568 wordsThe important news has semi-efficially reached me that the rebel leader, Beyers, has been killed while attempting to escape across the Vaal River from the ...
Article : 1,063 wordsRev. M. Lawther, formerly minister of the Devonport Methodist Church, is on a holiday visit to Devonport. Lieut. E. W. Aspinall, who has been ...
Article : 985 wordsAfter all the turmoil of the past few days relative to the representation of the Commonwealth at the Panama Exhibition, it was announced to-day by ...
Article : 256 wordsA party of Mole Creek residents (writes a correspondent) participated in an enjoyable picnic in the Mole Creek reserve, by the Sassafras Creek, a ...
Article : 315 wordsA disastrons flue occurred at the New Zealand Portland Cement Works at Limestone. Practically all the manufacturing plant, covering about half an ...
Article : 40 wordsThe Muster Warden and members of the Hobart Marine Board met Mr. Laird Smith, M.H.R., and Senator Ready to-day to consider the proposal of the Federal ...
Article : 533 wordsSan Francisco papers received by the American mail contain further references to the victory over the German warships by the British squadron under ...
Article : 765 words"There are 8000 men out of work in Melbourne, and many of then and their wives and children, too, are starring," said Mr. Bennett, vice-president of the ...
Article : 191 wordsAt the Court of Requests yesterday, before Commissioner Turner, B. T. Cartwright sued L. Lebreton for the recovery of £23 for hire of bioscope. Mr. W. ...
Article : 50 wordsAlderman Oldham yesterday took steps to ascertain how matters stood as regards the Government and the bridge, tie wired the Treasurer:—"Will you kindly ...
Article : 52 wordsNow that the controversy Between the partisans and the enemies of neutrality in Roumania, Italy, and Bulgaria is raging at red heat over the military, ...
Article : 585 wordsEight Hours Day will be celebrated in Launceston on Monday next. The day has been recognised as a holiday by the Traders' Association, and holiday ...
Article : 289 wordsThe chairman of the land purchases board (Mr. Thomas Kennedy) was again a witness before the Closer Settlement Commission to-day. ...
Article : 163 wordsSpeaking to-day in regard to the industrial position at Zeehan, the Minister for Lands admitted that matters there were pretty bad. He had received a ...
Article : 183 wordsThe Chief Health Officer (Dr. McClintock) has received a letter from a person at Colebrook referring to an outbreak of diphtheria at Stonor, and ...
Article : 122 wordsThe tri-annual Grand Council elections take place during February next. The council consists of 20 members, four from each federal electoral district, and ...
Article : 174 wordsIn the Supreme Court on Wednesday next the case of William John Thomas, who is claiming £2000 damages from the Mount Bischoff Co., for injuries ...
Article : 46 wordsThe whole country has been shocked by two fatal level crossing accidents which have occurred recently, one at Bridgewater, and the other near Tea ...
Article : 131 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 71 wordsAfter a four weeks' recess, the court held its first meeting on Wednesday night. There was a moderate attendance, A.R. Bro. J. Morrison presiding. ...
Article : 243 wordsMr. Tasman Shields will address the electors at the Mechanics' Institute on Tuesday next, at 8 p.m. ...
Article : 20 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), Fri 15 Jan 1915, Page 6
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