One wintry, cold, almost bitter night a passenger off one of the steamboats running between Sydney and Brisbane had made his way from the wharf to ...
Article : 1,323 wordsIn the Crimes, after our repulse in the first attack upon the Redan, a British surgeon was seen close under the walls of the redoubt, and only partially protected ...
Article : 1,801 wordsThe weather is bitterly cold the last week with rain nearly everyday, so there will be no excuse for farmers on that score. There is quite a lull in the despatch of fruit ...
Article : 739 wordsAgain had Linda been sent to recruit her waning strength among the bracing breezes of Picton, again she wandered on the green and grassy banks of the ...
Article : 2,218 words{No abstract available}
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Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Sat 5 May 1894, Page 3
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