"Enquirer," Cam, asks the following questions—1. The exact time it takes each of the planets to revolve round the sun, and also how their respective motions ...
Article : 717 wordsA remarkable offer has just been made to the trustees of the National Gallery by a Melbourne picture dealer. The offer was in respect of a seedy looking canvas, ...
Article : 341 wordsAt the Rockhampton Circuit Court on Tuesday John Smith, 28, herbalist, was indicted for using seditious language at Mount Morgan as follows:—"Half the ...
Article : 179 wordsIn replying to a deputation from the North-Eastern Municipal Association, which is paying its periodical visit to the city, the Minister of Agriculture stated on ...
Article : 769 words{No abstract available}
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Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), Sat 28 Apr 1894, Page 8
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