Dear Wimmera,—I shall be grateful to any contributors to the Countryman’s Corner if they will kindly forward descriptions of a simple device for breaking ...
Article : 276 wordsAmong the record number of entries in the cattle section for the Sydney Royal show next month, Shorthorns head the list in the beef section with 296, an ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,634 wordsFor some time past the problem of controlling the nodule, or pimply gut worm ([?]Esophagostomum columbianum), one of the most serious parasites of sheep ...
Article : 302 wordsA large attendance of members assembled at the annual-meeting of the Graziers’ Association of Southern Riverina held at Temple-court on ...
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Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), Sat 30 Mar 1935, Page 7
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