WAR BETWEEN THE DUTCH AND THE MALAYS-- WRECK OF THE HEROINE.--The Daniel Watson, which arrived from Hongkong and Manila on Monday last, reports having spoken a ship off the ...
Article : 1,384 wordsDEATH FROM APOPLEXY.--On Monday last, a Coroner's inquest was held before Mr. Ryan Brenan, Coroner for Sydney, at the Cooper's Arms, public house, Sussex-street, on the body of ...
Article : 104 wordsJUDICIAL PLAGUE.--Mary Ann Lang, an elderly female of dissolute habits and tattered habiliments, was brought before Captain INNES, at the Police- office, on Monday, charged with being drunk and ...
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The Citizen (Sydney, NSW : 1846 - 1847), Sat 29 Aug 1846, Page 3
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