MONDAY, MARCH. 22.--John Terry Hughes,a third meeting at half-past 10 a. m. THURSDAY 25.--John Westmore, a certificate meeting, at noon. MONDAY, 29--Charles Hodges Ratcliffe, an adjourned single ...
Article : 4,046 wordsIT is with much pleasure I take this opportunity of contradicting the report respecting, the loss of the Venus, which is wholly untrue, and the work of some rumour framer and evil doer. It appears to me, that several take an interest in this quarter, in ...
Article : 1,357 wordsAbout a month ago, having considerable leisure, we crossed the range which divides the Allyn River from the River William, and arrived in the village of Dungog about sundown of a warm Saturday afternoon. The refreshing shades of evening, so agreeable at ...
Article : 1,051 wordsSince the return of sunshine end dry weather, a steady and progressive improvement in Turon affairs appears to have taken place. The lowered state of the river, now an insignificant streamlet, has drawn many of its former population from me dry ...
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