During the past few days rumours have been current to the effect that suspicious cases have been under treatment in the Adelaide Hospital. A patient was ...
Article : 490 wordsThe Minister of Mines to-day received a deputation from the Amalgamated Workers' Association. The deputation asked for more public batteries. ...
Article : 181 wordsLond Roberts answered from Bloemfontein the Premier's congratulatory telegram on the occupation of Bloemfontein in the following terms ...
Article : 54 wordsA mounted officer knows exactly what be may carry. In his pockets or haversack or slung on a beit he is restricted to a whistle, compass, ...
Article : 160 wordsSiberia (or Waverley as it is now designated) has always been looked upon as a haven of refuge for the dry blower where he can, when dt[?]d beat, invariable ...
Article : 751 wordsThere was a disgraceful scene in Madrid on a recent Sunday, when there was a struggle between a small panther, an old [?]osese, a large bear; end a ...
Article : 270 words{No abstract available}
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Coolgardie Pioneer (WA : 1895 - 1901), Sat 24 Mar 1900, Page 25
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