QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE BAR.--The mode of " keeping terms," varies at each of the inns. In the Inner and Middle Temple the student must be careful to dine on particular days ; but Gray's Inn has long escaped the confusion resulting from ...
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Advertising : 316 wordsPORT MACQUARIE, MARCH 15.--This day the police office was visited by a crowd of persons to hear the proceedings instituted by Mr. Samuel Cohen against a person named Peter Tierney who Stood charged with obtaining goods under false ...
Article : 765 wordsTHE news received this week from England and India will be found particularly interesting. The war with the Punjaub must prepare our readers for a lamentable report in respect to the list of killed and ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 197 wordsMarch 20.--Thistle, steamer, 127, Mulhall, from Moreton Bay the 17th instant. 22--Golden Fleece, barque, 120, Johnson, from Moreton Bay, the I5th instant. ...
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The Spectator (Sydney, NSW : 1846), Sat 28 Mar 1846, Page 117
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