SIR,--I was not a little surprised at reading ln your issue of yesterday, a letter signed by " A Churchman," commenting en church music at Christ Church. St. Kilda : but at the same time ...
Article : 508 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 8,452 wordsSIR,--You have opened your columns to the notice of church music, a subject of great Interest both to lay and clerical members. " Another Churchman," In this day's issue, ...
Article : 267 wordsSIR,--I have read the letters, which appeared in The Herald of the 11th and 12th inst., having reference to the choral singing In the St. Kllda church--I presume All Saints'--and signed by ...
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The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954), Fri 13 Nov 1868, Page 4
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