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    Advertising : 489 words
  3. The Golfing Face: Flinders Naval Ceremony

    FIGHT FOR GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP: Some of the big figures in the battle for the Australian Open Golf Championship at the Royal Melbourne Links, Sandringham. From left: Ivo Whitton (Vic.), A. Le Fevre (Vic.), L. Winser (S.A.), Don Thomson (Vic.), T. Heard (N.S.W.), R. Jupp ((Vic.), F. Eyre (N.S.W.), J. Popplewell (N.S.W.), W Edgar (Vic), R Stewart (SA), Dan Soutar (N.S.W.), and A. Russell (Vic.). THE GUNNERS AND THEIR GUNS: A part of the impressive spectacle at Flinders Naval Depot yesterday, when Sir William Glasgow (Minister for Defence) and Rear-Admiral Napier took the salute at an inspection and march past of the officers, petty ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 260 words
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    Advertising : 2,223 words



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