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  2. What's On

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 347 words
  3. Letters to the Editor

    The recent National Congress of the Returned Services League called upon the League's national executive to "revitalise the anti-communist campaign". It called upon the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 364 words
  4. Gentle art of cancer

    I was incensed to see on T.V. an ad. saying "Learn the gentle art of smoking" -- addressed mainly to young ...

    Article : 111 words
  5. No title

    "Yessss?" ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1 words

    BRISBANE: "The passing of Ruby McGrorty brings great sorrow, but when we think of the life she led, think ...

    Article : 178 words
  7. Farrago of falsity

    On November 8 "The Australian" published an advertisement (over half a page) "An open letter to the ...

    Article : 139 words
  8. Misgivings over poem

    Surely a writer's "stature" has little to do with the nature of criticism offered? Time will attend to Dorothy ...

    Article : 253 words
  9. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 29 words
  10. Acknowledgements

    G.B., Kew (Vic.); J. Kilburn, Belmore; L. Moore, Belfield; F. D. Abbot, Compile (NSW): Thanks for letters, held for ...

    Article : 60 words
  11. Talking for what?

    The Sydney Morning Herald (181067) said: "An enlightened Australian policy should be directed to ...

    Article : 381 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 69 words
  13. Children's court

    Recently, due to very unfortunate circumstances, I had to attend the Children's Court in Commonwealth ...

    Article : 169 words
  14. Capitalism and neuroses

    "Twice Shy's" (Tribune, October 11) attitude to mental ill-health reminds me of the last generation's attitude to ...

    Article : 331 words
  15. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 31 words



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