ON THE SANDS AT BRIBIE.--The lady in the "ring" may claim £1 at "The Daily Mail" office. A BATHING TRIO.--Caug ht by the camera at Bribie. "SEA HORSES."--The holiday spirit is nowhere more in evidence than at Ocean Beach. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 159 words[?] Segar, the tall, willowy South Australian[?] youth, is a good-fooker among ringmen, [?] record says that he can fight;n that he [?] mostly by outboxing rather than ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,892 wordsThe Australasian championship meeting, to commence in Adelaide on January 23. promises to be a record in every way. The Linton Cup, presented to the winners of the interstate ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 29 wordsThe monthly council meeting was attended by a representative gathering of delegates. The non. treasurer (Mr. V. A. Lowndes) explained that the association's liabilities ...
Article : 706 wordsIn the North Coast cricket fixtures Nambour B grade forfelted to Woombye B grade, now placing both the Woombye A and B grade teams in the lead in the fixtures. ...
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The Daily Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1903; 1916 - 1926), Wed 13 Jan 1926, Page 13
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