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  2. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 345 words
  3. Sun and Tidal Diary.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 301 words
  4. Half-castes to the Rescue.

    The enlistment of IT Australian halfcastes from one aborigines' station on one day was given a dramatic turn with the object of shaming some of the ...

    Article : 613 words
  5. The Queenslander

    Nationalists all over Australia will welcome the news ?that the Commonwealth Minister for Works and Railways (Mr. Watt) has made a marked alteration in ...

    Article : 332 words
  6. The Cheerful Gospel of Never Mind!

    Mr. Ryan is the high-priest of a very old financial gospel which has been the religion of spendthrifts since ever Esau sold his birthright for a mess of ...

    Article : 487 words
  7. Greater Britain Problems.

    It is remarkable that the two most prominent figures connected with the Greater Britain scheme are Colonial statesmen. We do not marvel so much ...

    Article : 957 words
  8. Pastoral Interests and Parliament.

    The position of the pastoralist In Queensland to-day is not an enviable one. At the base of the State, he is weighted down by all that has been reared above ...

    Article : 663 words



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