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  2. The Miner.

    THERE are some trades and occupations which have always been remarkable for a reckless disregard of the health and even the lives of those engaged in them. ...

    Article : 1,526 words
  3. Scientific and Useful.

    AS a delicacy, or an article of food, few things are in higher or more continuous favor than the oyster. The capacity of humanity for absorbing the delicious bivalve is restricted only in ...

    Article : 2,190 words
  4. Gympie.

    FROM the mining column of the Gympie Times we take the following:— We hear that the West Monkland Company has lately come upon several small gold-bearing leaders in its shaft. The New ...

    Article : 787 words
  5. Causes of Deafness.

    THE following causes of deafness should be known to every person, especially parents, and are condensed from "Physiology for Practical Use":— ...

    Article : 943 words
  6. Latest from the Palmer.

    OUR files of the Cooktown Herald are to the 28th instant. THE PALMER.— Intelligence of late from the diggings is very meagre, there being no fresh ...

    Article : 1,424 words
  7. Decline of Mining Industry in Victoria.

    THAT mining as an industry is greatly depressed is a fact upon which all are agreed, and none are more certain about the matter than the miners themselves, who put forward the fact as ...

    Article : 3,554 words



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