The British Medical Journal, referring to Mr. Gladstone's illness, says that there is no immediate cause for anxiety, but that the future is looked forward to by his medical ...
Article : 44 wordsThe latest feature in the political world is the intended resignation of Mr. J. H. Want, the Attorney-General. When seen to-day on the subject Mr. Want said when it was ...
Article : 435 wordsMr. J. E. Matthew Vincent, formerly London representative of Messrs. Chaffey Brothers, has applied to the Colonial Office to institute an enquiry into the ...
Article : 169 wordsAnother large audience gave cheerful greeting on Friday night to the vagaries of John and Lizzie Stofel in "Struck Oil," which was presented for the last time this season by Miss ...
Article : 563 wordsOn Friday morning, at the Adelaide Police Court, Frank Ashley and William Smith were charged on remand, on the information of Charles W. Mills, Adelaide manager for the ...
Article : 1,065 wordsNothing further has transpired with reference to the American new line of steamers, Orders for space arc coming forward freely, and there is every prospect of the ...
Article : 51 wordsGreat anxiety is felt concerning the safety of the ship Margaret Galbraith, bound from Nelson. She arrived at the Heads ten days ...
Article : 136 wordsThe biggest fire ever experienced in Perth broke out at 9.30 this evening in Hay-street when the premises of Mr. W. Zimpeis, a furniture manufacturer and dealer, were ...
Article : 380 wordsAt a meeting of the Cabinet held to-day the Premier proposed that the amendment to regulation 103, passed at the instance of Mr. 'E. H. Wittenoom, limiting alluvial workings ...
Article : 149 wordsThe Italian Senate has forwarded a message of sympathy to Mr. Gladstone, whose services in the cause of Italian unity and whose exposure of the Neopolitan atrocities of the late ...
Article : 42 wordsThe. revenue, of New south Wales for the month of March shows an increase, of £119.839, as compared with March of 1897, the total revenue being £836.239 The chief increases ...
Article : 57 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 26 wordsThe second of the intercolonial yacht races between the Aucklander, Meteor, and the Bronzewing, was sailed to-day. There was a fresh breeze and a heavy swell. The Meteor ...
Article : 40 wordsThe railway traffic earnings for the month of March show a net increase of £6,473 as compared with the same month of last year, The difficulty in connection with the ...
Article : 87 wordsThe main shaft in the Lake View Central is now down 212 ft. There is an improvement in the appearance of the country, which is highly mineralised and contains numerous ...
Article : 358 wordsThere was keen competition at the London wool sales to-day-mod prices showed a slight advance in reaped to medium and inferior merinos and low-class crossbreds. ...
Article : 105 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 263 wordsAs a result of the attack by a " push" at Newtown on a young man named Clothier five young men were tried at the Central Criminal Court to-day on a charge of maliciously ...
Article : 125 wordsHeavy gales have been raging in the neighborhood of Moreton Bay for several days. The steamers Barrabool, Bullarra, and Coiac have been beating about Cane Moreton ...
Article : 36 wordsThe Intercolonial Postal and Telegraph Conference was continued to-day. It was resolved not to make any reduction in the oversea postal rate until the wav is clear to ...
Article : 173 wordsThe big steamers of all the French companies will in future carry trained pigeons, which are to be utilised when necessary in crying news from mid-ocean to the ports of ...
Article : 41 wordsAn accident occurred at the Colonial Sugar Company's works at Pyrmont this morning by which one workman was instantly killed and two others,' were injured. The fatality ...
Article : 119 wordsA special meeting of the Methodist Federal Council, called by the president, was held in the Pirie-street schoolroom on Friday afternoon, April 1. There were present the Revs. ...
Article : 485 wordsThe Senate of the Dominion of Canada has rejected the contract proposed to be made by the Government for the construction of a railway line to the Klondyke gold field. ...
Article : 38 wordsMr. Mathieson's report on the railway provisions in tbe Constitution Act is now published. He considers that with the worst possible conditions, and under a series ...
Article : 119 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 27 wordsThe river is falling rapidly. Communication between Wilcannia and Bourke is suspended and navigation will soon be closed so far as stations down the stream are concerned. ...
Article : 119 wordsThe St. Agnes has crushed 105 tons for 60 oz, and the Benson 70 tons for 65 ox. The total output for the month, including the estimate for the Princess Royal, is 2,270 oz. ...
Article : 39 wordsThe second annual concert of the pupils of Mr. E. K. Mitchell, which was postponed from December owing to the illness of the teacher, took place in the Victoria Hall on ...
Article : 341 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 59 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 451 wordsWilliam Hunter, a man of respectable appearance, was accused, before Mr. James Gordon and justices, at the Adelaide Police Court on Friday, of house breaking at Henley Beach. ...
Article : 607 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 197 wordsThe local branch of the Political Labor League has resolved to support the nominations of die present sitting members for the district; namely, Messrs. Cann, Ferguson, and ...
Article : 77 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,232 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 25 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 150 wordsThe Weenen Customs conspiracy case was resumed to-day, when evidence was given by of Sydney firms to the effect that the values in the Customs invoices were ...
Article : 50 wordsThe annual tournament in connection with the South Australian Lawn Tennis Association was continued before an exceptionally large attendance on the Jubilee Exhibition Oral on Friday afternoon. ...
Article : 797 wordsIntending steamship passengers must not forget to provide themselves with a stock of Ogden's Guinea Gold Cigarettes. ...
Article : 19 wordsThe Minister of 'Agriculture informed a deputation from the fruitgrowers' Association to-day that he would bring the matter of better facilities for handling fruit before ...
Article : 76 wordsFew Australian manufactures have met with such a large demand in a comparatively short time as Sunlight Copra Cake and Meal, a cattle food which is fast superseding all ...
Article : 337 wordsAt the Port Adelaide Police Court, before Messrs. W. Johnstone, S.M. and J. Morris on Friday, William Johnson Hudson appeared charged on remand with having obtained £10 ...
Article : 561 wordsMr. P. A. Howvlls announces a sacred concert for Good Friday night at the Victoria Hall, Gawler-place, for which be has engaged Miss Lucy Stevenson, soprano; Miss Meta ...
Article : 109 words[?] Emile, a, Frenchman, was arrested at a [?] shop in Exhibition-street early this morning in connection with the robbery at Daniel Goldsmith's pawnshop in Adelaide on ...
Article : 116 wordsThere was a large attendance at the Goodwood Institute cm Friday evening when the pupils of Miss Verrier's school gave a most successful concerts An excellent programme ...
Article : 127 wordsThe total Customs receipts fop the month of March amounted to £204,757, inclusive of £15,388 excise duty on beer. The drawbacks on re-exported goods came to £13,824 leaving ...
Article : 54 wordsOn Friday evening a concert was given in the Trades Hall, Grose-street, in aid of the widowed mother and sisters of the late Air. Joseph G. Daly. who was for many years ...
Article : 359 wordsWhat might have been a very serious railway accident occurred last Monday in a cutting four miles on the Sale side of Rosedale. A special engine was dispatched at 6.30 a.m. ...
Article : 93 wordsThe Customs revenue for March totalled £190,933 which is £10,537 in excess of the proportional estimate. The peculiar terms on which the Crown ...
Article : 147 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Sat 2 Apr 1898, Page 5
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