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  2. NEEDLES. "Short, Sharp, Shiny."

    Cable restored. "Taken from Life." Hiscock's Minstrels. Katisha sails to-day. ...

    Article : 1,272 words

    We cannot undertake to publish all unobjectionable letters which reach us. The number is so large that we can only print a selection. Those which reach us earliest have of course the first ...

    Article : 264 words

    MARY BLAIR, barque, 328 tons, J. Asken, from Fremantle via Port Pirie. Richard Honey, agent. LUBRA, steamer, 223 tons, Olaf Odman, ...

    Article : 828 words
  5. Messrs. Fulton & Co.'s Lock-out.

    The dispute between Messrs, Fulton & Co. and their employes has reached an acute stage. Mr. Fulton brought 15 men from Melbourne to take the places of some of their locked-out ...

    Article : 199 words
  6. LATEST TELEGRAMS. [BY SUBMARINE CABLE.] The German Emperor in Rome.

    The Emperor William of Germany received a splendid reception on his arrival in Fome, where he is the guest of King Humbert. An interview has taken ...

    Article : 89 words
  7. MINING.

    The adjourned extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders in the Mount Euriowie Tin Company was held at Pine Chambers, on Monday, October 15, for the purpose of considering ...

    Article : 164 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,378 words
  9. Death of Mr. J. L. Hall.

    Mr. Bland Holt has received a telegram from Melbourne announcing that Mr. J. L. Hall, the well-known comedian, died in the Melbourne Hospital on Sunday. Mr. Hall was a member ...

    Article : 145 words
  10. The Fisk Jubilee Singers.

    The Fisk Jubilee Singers will give a concert this evening in the Town Hall in aid of Adelaide charities. His Excellency the Governor, the Mayor of Adelaide (Sir E. T. Smith, ...

    Article : 70 words
  11. The Late Emperor Frederick.

    Professor Bergmann, one of the German physicians in attendance on the late Emperor Frederick, intends to sue Sir Morell Mackenzie for libel on account of ...

    Article : 61 words
  12. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 368 words
  13. School in the Hundred of Younghusband.

    On Monday Messrs. Moulden, M.P., and Handyside, M.P., presented to the Hon. J. C. F. Johnson, Minister of Education, an application from residents in the hundred of ...

    Article : 85 words
  14. Fire at Wellington-square.

    About half-past 6 on Sunday morning a fire occurred in the house of Ms. H. Winton, at Wellington-square. Two of his children were sleeping in the room where it started. A little ...

    Article : 161 words
  15. An Australian Assaulted in Glasgow.

    Mr. C. E. Jeanneret, the steamboat proprietor of Sydney, and the contractor for landing the mails at the Semaphore (S.A.), who arrived from Australia via ...

    Article : 41 words
  16. LAW COURTS. Local Court—Port Adelaide.

    BROCK v. SEMAPHORE CORPORATION.—£19 19s., for damage sustained in Hart-street by an obstruction placed there by the corporation on June 25. Mr. Piper appeared for the ...

    Article : 285 words

    The R.M.S. Ballarat arrived here at 9.45 o'clock this morning with the following passengers:—For Adelaide—Rev. G. and Mrs. ...

    Article : 34 words
  18. Fire at the Port.

    A fire broke out on the premises of Mr. John Oyston, wood merchant, situated in Portland ward; Port Adelaide, on Sunday evening, and resulted in the house, which was of two stories ...

    Article : 235 words
  19. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 74 words

    Sir—Gross in just ice has been done the consignees of the Gulf of Venice. This steamer arrived last Wednesday, and had she steamed to the wharf the cargo would have been discharged ...

    Article : 242 words
  21. Police Court—Adelaide.

    Margaret Cotter and Margaret Rusbridge, for being drunk, had to pay £l each. Mary Ann Fynch and Cornelius Kellard, for using indecent language, were fined £2 each. ...

    Article : 912 words
  22. Quoits.

    The association clubs, West Adelaide v. Thorntons, met on the grounds of the former on Saturday, October 13. As neither club had been beaten this season there was a large attendance to witness the ...

    Article : 146 words

    A new programme was presented at Garner's Rooms on Saturday night by Messrs. Hiscosks and Friedman's combined company to a well-filled house. The programme was entirely ...

    Article : 947 words
  24. Cricket.

    Corris, Craig, & Co. v. Port Central.—Total for nine wickets, 232. Kempster 52, Griggs 46. McClumpy 35 not out, Ottaway 26 not out, Irvine 18, Spooner 12, Linskey 11. The Port Centrals did not bat. ...

    Article : 355 words
  25. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 780 words
  26. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 326 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 310 words
  28. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 78 words



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