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  2. Injudicious Loan Expenditure.

    TENDERS were recently received for the erection of a breakwater at Flat-top Island, Mackay. The actual amounts tendered have not been disclosed, but it ...

    Article : 669 words
  3. Light and Shade.

    Of course every specialist, if he could, would warn critics not to comment upon the subject of which he claims to have a knowledge not to be attained by other men. If this object could be ...

    Article : 2,409 words
  4. Her majesty's Grandsons.

    THE sailing of the detached sqnadron which had been ordered to the Cape for Melbourne will cause quite a flutter of excitement among the residents of the ...

    Article : 430 words
  5. The Brisbane Servants' Home.

    A REPORT published in another column gives a satisfactory account of the progress of the Servants' Home. This institution is one which probably does better service ...

    Article : 495 words



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