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Detailed lists, results, guides : 348 wordsTHE reported murder of the Ameer of Afghanistan has not yet been confirmed. From news received the incursions of the Kurds into Persia are developing into a very ...
Article : 173 wordsProfessor Reuleaux, the German Commissioner to the Sydney and Melbourne Exhibitions, made several presentations to-day to the various Australian Governments, including casts ...
Article : 709 wordsAustralian tin is 10s. per ton higher. There has been an advance in many of the colonial Government debentures. New South 5 per cents are 10s. higher; Queensland 4 per ...
Article : 91 wordsMr. Parnell addressed another meeting at Galway to-day, and in the course of his remarks took occasion to refer to the legal proceedings commenced by the British Government against ...
Article : 615 wordsThe wheat on two farms on Darkey Flat has been destroyed by hail, but otherwise the crops in this district are uninjured. The harvest commences next week, and it is confidently expected ...
Article : 55 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 368 wordsAn official telegram from the Bermagui rush this morning throws no further light upon the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Lamont Young's party. It has been shown that those who ...
Article : 550 words{No abstract available}
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The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Sat 30 Oct 1880, Page 545
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