Charles Hughes, shepherd, was charged with an assault on John Lush, of lnman's Valley, sheep-former, on the 3rd instant Prosecutor stated, that on the day in question, the prisoner ...
Article : 670 wordsMary Ann Hadyan, wife of a seaman, was charged with stea[?]ing four half-crowns, from the person of James James, on the 19th instant. It appealed from the evidence of Constable Lankinean, ...
Article : 130 wordsWilliam Hanson alias William Wright alias William Stotter was brought up on remand. No further evidence was adduced and the prisoner was fully committed for trial. ...
Article : 28 wordsPresent— Captain Freeling, Chairman ; Captain Sturt, Major Campbell, and Mr Giles; also, Mr Chamberlain, Chairman of the Yata[?]a Board. Compensation—Several claims for compensation were ...
Article : 751 wordsLady Morgan has published a letter to Cardinal Wiseman, which begins as follows :— ‘ My Lord Cardinal—A letter has drawn my attention to an early publication of your Eminence, which, more ...
Article : 887 wordsTHE LENTIL.—A NEW BRITISH CROP.—The lentil is at present exciting considerable attention as a garden and field crop in Scotland, and seems peculiarly adapted for cottage allotments. The analyses of chemists show it to be ...
Article : 1,408 wordsAmong the great events which have crowned the half century that has just run its course few, perhaps, are destined to have a more important bearing upon the destiny of the world, than the conquest of California by the Anglo-Saxon race, and ...
Article : 1,546 wordsYesterday, the usual half-yearly meeting of the proprietors was held at the office of the Corporation, No. 8, Austin-friars, to hear a statement from the Directors respecting the position and prospects of the bank. The ...
Article : 1,460 wordsLord Grey has announced his intention to the Governors of New South Wales and Victoria pf. reducing the troops in those colonies to a guard for the cities of Sydney and Melbourne, and of only retaining those guards so long as the ...
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South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1847 - 1852), Thu 22 May 1851, Page 4
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