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Family Notices : 25 wordsTHE mistakes of the Candidates, to be attributed perhaps as much to themselves as to their Committees, have recently been very apparent; and when these mistakes have partaken of the less creditable ...
Article : 455 wordsKOORINGA ELECTION.—The committee formed to potstone the return of Mr Lang, of which Mr Grant, the magistrate’s clerk, is an active member, have late y served about 150 notices of objection to voters registered for this district ...
Article : 219 wordsApril 17—The barque Augustus, 400 tons, Brockman master, from New Zealand 27th March. Passenger—Mr Theakeston from California. April 18—The barge Caledonia, Buck master, from ...
Article : 553 wordsGAWLER TOWN RACES.—The entries for this popular meeting took piace at Calton’s Hote, Gawler Town, on Thursday evening, at which place a goodly muster of those interested in ‘Turf Matters’ had assembled. Mr Shayle ...
Article : 1,717 wordsCOMPLAINTS are constantly being made to us from several quarters of the Colony respecting the working of these Courts—and if one of the most important of them, that at Adelaide be taken as a ...
Article : 803 wordsSIR,—This is a question that has engaged the minds of the people for a period of upwards of three years, and the candidates for our ‘New Legislative Assembly are as much divided in opinion, as the community at large upon this vital ...
Article : 767 wordsEAST TORRENS.—At a large meeting of Mr Prescott’s friends at Norwood, on Wednesday evening, Mr Prescott expressed himself in severe terms in reference to the apathy of the people in availing themselves of the offered franchise. ...
Article : 726 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 109 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 184 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,094 wordsWe have received the communication of an Unfortunate Debtor; but toe would remark that we cannot trouble our readers with a discussion on Mr J. Solo[?] [?] knowledge of the law. The Pit it Station at ...
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South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1847 - 1852), Sat 19 Apr 1851, Page 3
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