'The Tasmanian v. All-Comers mach was continued on Saturday last. The Tasmanian Eleven completed their first innings on the previous Saturday, having placed 157 runs ...
Article : 1,009 wordsVery little has been done since my last in the shape of rowing. A match between two youngsters came off on Saturday last, in out-rigged wager boats, on the Upper Yarra, and ...
Article : 384 wordsGEELONG ARTILLERY.—The first and second corps, to the number of 154, met for battalion drill on Wednesday night. Lieut.-Colonel Rede was in command. ...
Article : 2,656 words{No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]
Detailed lists, results, guides : 32 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 37 wordsThe contests in the third series of tournament matches have been steadily progressing during the week; that which excites the greatest amount of interest being the one ...
Article : 1,701 wordsThe Dunedin Regatta took place on Easter Monday, and was, on the whole, a most pleasant success. The weather could not have been finer for the purposes. There was ...
Article : 1,045 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 17 wordsThe amateur athletes of Melbourne and other gentlemen who take an interest in all such manly sports held a meeting last Tuesday, at the Freemasons' hotel, for the ...
Article : 386 words{No abstract available}
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