A telegram was received here to-day from Bowen, which states that the steamer Black Prince saw a party of natives on Hinchingbok Island, who had four white men amongst them ...
Article : 130 wordsIn accordance with the previous arrangements His Royal Highness left the Galatea shortly before two o'clock, this afternoon, in his barge, escorted by several steamers, and, accompanied ...
Article : 705 wordsThe above Council met last evening. Present: The Mayor, Crs Norman, Dent, Mitchell, Weatherley, M'Naught, Coy, and Hunter. The preliminary business having been disposed ...
Article : 253 wordsThe desperate nature of the fighting which is now going on between the United States Government and the Indians will be gathered from the following letter in the Philadelphia Press, dated ...
Article : 1,705 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,640 wordsThe day was delightfully fine and the fact of its being "Cup" day, caused nearly every one to be there, and their wives. The opening of the newly-purchased (by the Government) ...
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Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917), Fri 1 Nov 1867, Page 3
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