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    MR. H, R. Williams, M.L.A., was very much upset at the thought of a dissolution. He intended to move a vote of censure on the Service Government for attempting to destroy the independence of the House. I'M the independent member, ...

    Article : 396 words

    THERE is compensation in nature—and that, of course, includes humanity—for everything. By a singular coincidence, just as we had stamped out Kellyism, we let loose, simultaneously, forty-three (43) maurauders on the country, from the unfinished blue-stone ...

    Article : 425 words
  4. "For his Love he had Died."

    THEY were talking about a mutual friend who had shuffled off his mortal coil some time previously. 1st Friend.—" And how did he come by his death I" 2nd Ditto.—" Alas, poor fellow I He died of love." ...

    Article : 114 words
  5. Sir John on Mr. Gaunson.

    MEMO.—On the day of the division, or the day before, B. passed in Collins-street, Sir John O'Shanassy, sandwiched in between John Woods and another well-known Oppositionist. They were talking very fast and loud, and our friend could not but hear the knight ...

    Article : 99 words
  6. Vanished Hopes.

    PARLLIAMENT is about dissolving. So is " the sugar." Alas—thou wert so near—but now so far ! ...

    Article : 18 words
  7. The Reason Why.

    A GREAT number of our subscribers have been anxious to know why the hon. member for Carlton is such an out-and-out supporter of the great Liberal leader. We are delighted to be in a position to state positively that the reason why Jack prefers Mr. Berry to Mr. ...

    Article : 69 words
  8. Re-instated.

    WADDYBODY defines " a state of repair" as the marriage state when it is re-entered by a widow. ...

    Article : 19 words
  9. An Unpleasant Little Go.

    THE sugarless member has to go to the country.—Picture it, think of it, dissolute man I ...

    Article : 20 words
  10. Hech, Mon!

    A SCOTCHMAN wants to know if the sop to Cerberus was scented sop. ...

    Article : 15 words



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