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  2. TALES, SKETCHES. Etc. Three Episodes.

    THE year was opening with a sharp wind and a heavy sky; hungry birds looming large against the snow, and a fog slowly asserting itself over all. People who had ...

    Article : 865 words
  3. III.

    Stars were twintling in the clear, frosty sky, like a fairy crown. Cold and pure, the moonbeams streamed Over a white world. Alice Marsden, complaining of ...

    Article : 296 words
  4. II.

    The long drawingroom was aglow with chrysanthemums of every hue. Yellow and mauve and crimson, bronze, and white, they clustered in banks of splendid bloom, ...

    Article : 822 words
  5. A Bush Coquette.

    SHEARING was on at Warranoon. It was hot and dry, ideal weather for shearing, but unpleasant for the men and boys in the yards, penning up the ewes and ...

    Article : 1,423 words



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