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  2. Wellington Point.

    "Very quiet place!" Yes rather quiet. Something like what Sandgate was 15 years ago. But a man who turns his back on the city for a day or two wants quiet. There is enough of ...

    Article : 517 words

    The Hon. Edward Stanhope, Secretary of State War Department, has despatched a telegram to Major-general the Hon.J.C. Derme, C.B, commandant at Cairo, stating that Her ...

    Article : 66 words
  4. The Aquatic Carnival.

    The final heat of the great aquatic carnival took place yesterday afternoon, when Searle, Kemp, and Matterson competed for the first, second, and third prizes. It was the intention ...

    Article : 1,090 words
  5. A Chance for Selectors.

    The following lands will be thrown open for selection under the 44th section of the Act of 1884, on February 4: In the Goondiwindi land agent's district, on the resumed part of Callan- ...

    Article : 150 words
  6. Ipswich Turf Club Race Meeting.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 206 words
  7. Theatrical Topics.

    Signor and Signora Majeroni are now in Sydney. Their opening piece was the historic "Queen Elizabeth." "La Mascotte" has been produced at the ...

    Article : 1,002 words
  8. MAILS.

    The mails per Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's R.M.S. Valetta, from Adelaide November 5 were delivered to-day, via Brindisi. ...

    Article : 23 words

    The market rate of discount is 4 1/2 per cent, or 1/2 percent below the minimum ban rate. ...

    Article : 21 words
  10. Assaulting Chinamen.

    The two young fellows Smith and Lawry again appeared in answer to the charge of having assaulted a Chinaman named Chang Ting and destroying tho property of Chick Tong, of the ...

    Article : 191 words

    4 per cent South Australian inscribed stock in quoted 20s. lower—£100 10s. ...

    Article : 18 words

    At the wool sales to-day 13,400 bales were offered, making a total of 115,800 bales offered since the commencement of the series. The market is steady. ...

    Article : 86 words
  13. The Parnell Commission.

    The third day's proceedings of the Parnell Commission yielded little excitement. The Attorney-General said he would call Captain O'Shea to show that Mr. Parneil was intimately ...

    Article : 1,933 words
  14. New Masonic Lodge.

    The acting district grandmaster of the Scottish Constitution (R.W. Bro. John G. W. Barnes) has granted a dispensation for the formation of a Masonic lodge at Croydon, North Queensland ...

    Article : 73 words
  15. Bible Christian Anniversary.

    On Sunday last the anniversary sermons of the Bible Christian Sunday school, Clifton terrace, were preached in the church. Mr. H. T. Jenkins officiated in the morning, Mr. Jones ...

    Article : 292 words
  16. Fire Last Night.

    Shortly after 11 o'clock last night a fire broke out in a front shop in Edward street, owned by Mr. M'Waugh, and occupied by Mr. W. R. Black. As Constable Kiernan was ...

    Article : 114 words
  17. The R.M.S. Quetta.

    The B.I.S.N. Co.'s R.M.S. Quetta, Captain Withers, from London for Brisbane, via ports, arrived in Moreton Bay on Monday, and was assisted up the river the same evening, berthing at ...

    Article : 463 words
  18. Rockhampton Items.

    [?] Sub-inspector Galbraith, who has recently been transferred to Georgetown, was accorded a banquet last evening. The Mayor presided, and in the name of the citizens, but especially ...

    Article : 123 words
  19. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 307 words
  20. Blondin on His Experience as a Ropewalker.

    In the current number of "Lippincott's Magazine" appears an article by Blondin, giving his experience as a rope-walker, from which we take the following extracts:- ...

    Article : 875 words
  21. Cricket.

    Secretaries of clubs should take notice that in future all reports of matches should reach us not later than 9 o'clock o the Monday following in the case of Saturday matches, and the next day in the ...

    Article : 679 words
  22. Baptist Association.

    The annual sermon in connection with the annual meetings of the Baptist Association of Queensland was preached in the Wharf street Baptist Church last evening by the Rev. W. ...

    Article : 535 words
  23. Monthly Postal Guide.

    The following shows the changes, additions, &c., appearing in the December number of the "Postal Guide":—Licensed to sell stamps: E. B. Page, Petrie Bight; Park and Gibson ...

    Article : 337 words
  24. Sundry Summonses.

    At the City Police Court yesterday, before Messrs. R. E. Jarman and Thomas Lawless, JJ.P., the following summons cases were heard: W. Boudet was fined 2s., with ...

    Article : 109 words
  25. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 197 words
  26. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 44 words
  27. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 20 words



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