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  2. Southport Railway.

    THE railway from Brisbane to Beenleigh has been so long open that more than a passing reference to it is unnecessary. Until the Logan River is reached the ...

    Article : 1,625 words
  3. What Shall We Do in Heaven?

    SOME people thought that the Daily Telegraph was decidedly venturesome in allowing a correspondence in its columns as to whether marriage is a failure, but the ...

    Article : 335 words
  4. A Speech of the Emperor Nero.

    IT was recently announced that M. Holleaux, a French arch[?]ologist, had discovered in the wall of a church dating from the middle ages a stone on which was ...

    Article : 406 words
  5. A Gallant Gar Lothario.

    As the s.s. Ranelagh moved from the wharf on Friday week last, it was observed by more triad one individual what a very unusual crowd of spectators had assembled ...

    Article : 1,051 words
  6. Telegraphic.

    Lord Wolseley, speaking at Birmingham last evening, declared that the war cloud which has for so long hung over Europe now threatens to burst, causing the greatest ...

    Article : 133 words
  7. Serious Riots in Ireland.

    During the trial of Mr. W. O'Brien, M.P., at Carrick, on a charge of conspiracy, there was a serious conflict in the street between the police and the crowd. In ...

    Article : 170 words
  8. A Queer Persian Marriage Custom.

    AN extreme handy custom among the Persians, which would hardly be popular in this country, however, is the temporary marriage. A Persian couple may enter ...

    Article : 699 words
  9. General Boulanger's Election.

    In consequence of the election of General Boulanger for the Department of the Seine, which was regarded as being practically a defeat of the Government. M. Floquet, the ...

    Article : 239 words
  10. "Origin of the Marseilaise."

    THERE was at this time (1792) a young officer of artillery in the garrison at Strasburgh. His name was Rouget de Lisle. He was born in Lons-de-Sauluier, in the ...

    Article : 647 words
  11. Modern and Ancient Leprosy.

    THE following query by "C." appears in the China Review:—Is modern leprosy identical with that of the Orient in ancient times? There is a disease or rather a ...

    Article : 491 words
  12. Affairs in Sames.

    It is understood that Congress is certain to adopt the vote recommended by the United States Committee on foreign affairs of 500,000 dols, for the protection of ...

    Article : 1,530 words



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