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  2. City Boys Given Chance On Tatura Farm

    The healthy outdoor life agrees with the lads as these picture show. Left: Trevor Turner, 17 (tractor driver) and Peter Collett, 16, operate the combine and harrows on the wheat fallow. Centre: 14 year old Les Dunleavy has charge of some of the farm’s stock—the kittens. Right: The hayrake ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 509 words
  3. 'The Vision Splendid' at Tatura

    TO produce worthy citizens from the underprivileged boys is the aim of the Burton Hall, the C.E.B.S, Training Farm at Tatura, which ranks as one of the most interesting experiments being undertaken in the Goulburn Valley. That the farm is succeeding in its purpose can be seen ...

    Article : 857 words

    Mr J. Adams, warden and guiding spirit of the farm. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 12 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 339 words



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