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    The house in Kew had been furnished in such a gorgeous fashion, everything, as lie lady said, “being of the best," that the circle in which she moved always spoke of ...

    Article : 3,875 words

    For twelve months and more we have been looking forward to the Diamond Jubilee Celebration, and the anticipation has become the actual and is now speeding ...

    Article : 1,952 words
  4. Bread Without Flour.

    So much interest has been expressed, not only by members of the trade but the public generally, in the remarks which have appeared in our (Age) columns in ...

    Article : 652 words
  5. Difficulties of the German Language.

    The following practical illustration of some of the difficulties of the German language is given in an appendix in Mark Twain's “A Tramp Abroad”—“Tale of ...

    Article : 476 words
  6. Is Vaccination the Modern Moloch?

    Read this from the Herald and in its light answer the above question:—An adjourned prosecution of a broach of Part IX of the Health Act 1890, which provides ...

    Article : 307 words
  7. Scrapper and the Turtle.

    A farmer named Elias Holt, living near Birmingham (Ala.), recently witnessed a fierce battle between a cat and a turtle. The farmer owns a large tomcat, named ...

    Article : 281 words
  8. A Bush-made Bicycle.

    An unique bicycle is to be seen at the Werthiem Company's depot in Warrnambool. The bicycle resembles in shape the of the old velocipedes, but it is so uncouth ...

    Article : 632 words
  9. The Most Terrible Insect.

    The most terrible of insects are the “driver" ants of West Africa. They arc so-called because they drive before them when on the march all other living ...

    Article : 629 words
  10. A Land of Desolation.

    With regard to Western Australia Mr. Lionel Lindsay, who has recently returned to Creswick, speaking to a Ballarat Star reporter says:—“ Personally, I should say ...

    Article : 579 words
  11. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,082 words



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