The flush of day, and the fluch of hope-the dawn of morn, and a new epoch—in good sooth, a Red Letter day in the K dead of Victoria. our the Bellerine hills peeps the propitious sun, and ...
Article : 577 wordsNot long ago, and down the Barwon's, The asble swon led forth his grseeful fleet. Not long ago our hillis and valleys green were all untredden save by savagefeet. ...
Article : 3,245 wordsA meeting took place on Tuesday evening, in the Wesleyan Reform Chapel, Gore Street, Colingwood, to form the above society, and discuss and adopt the rules. Mr. Higgs occupied the chair, in the absench ...
Article : 536 wordsA Meeting of a most interesting diameter took place on Wednesday evening, in the above Chapel, to commemor to the completion of the building. The edifice was tastefuly secarated with flowers. ...
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The Banner (Melbourne, Vic. : 1853 - 1854), Fri 23 Sep 1853, Page 5
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