THE following telegram has been recsived from Mr. Hare, Government Resident at Cambridge Gulf, by the Government: "Sergeant Truelove returned from the ...
Article : 176 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 201 wordsSeptember 26.—YARALLA, s., Captain Saunders, from Mackay, Passengers: Mesdames Davis, Green, Miss Little, Messrs Davis, Green. Markson, Holmos, Briggs, Moore, Gill, Wilson, Elnow, Marienthal, ...
Article : 1,506 wordsTHE popularity Mr. Harry Rickards has attained in Brisbane was attested by the Wellfilled appearance of the Academy of Music on Saturday evening, and by the heartiness and ...
Article : 153 wordsTHE Imperial Parliament stands prorogue till November. It was understood from the moment of the accession of Lord Salisbury to power that this course had been reselved upon, ...
Article : 200 wordsThe weather being discouraging, the attendance at the Protestant Hall on Saturday night was not so good as the character of the entertainment merited, and indeed Mr Warner, ...
Article : 104 wordsTHE recent soaking rains have had the effect of causing a considerable portion of the retaining will of the Roman Catholic Convent in Ann street to collopse. ...
Article : 32 wordsTHE social and economic aspects of colonial life in Australia are closely related to the progress and character of the population. The same may be said ...
Article : 897 wordsTHE very latest telegram thrown only a little additional darkness upon Bulgarian affairs. The Queen's speech at the prorogation of Parliament says that a portion of the Balgarian ...
Article : 252 wordsThe English and Emerican Governments are making joint examination of the basis upon which they may frame a treaty granting reciprocal fishery rights. ...
Article : 31 wordsA DEPUTATION From Warwick consisting of Messrs. J. Horwitz and F. Kates, M.M.L.A., H. Johnstone (Mayor), and other gentlemen, waited on Friday last on the Colonial Treasurer ...
Article : 94 words"WAR TO THE KNIEN."—This exposure of Cockacy cuteness and craftiness is unfortunately too long for us. Space is very precious just now. Our local companies are not likely to cut each other's ...
Article : 51 wordsGeneral Kaulbars, the new Russian agent in Bulgaria, has arrived here. He is the bearer of an ultimatum from the Czar to the Regency, demanding the adjournment of the ...
Article : 55 wordsIT is announced in another column that Mr. E. Farley, the well-known singer, intends giving, a short Benson of English opera at the Academy of Music, commencing on ...
Article : 98 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 21 wordsThe Duke of Edinburgh and Prince George of Wales brought their visit to the Sultan to a close, and left yesterday to rejoin the squadron. ...
Article : 34 wordsIT is probable that the tender of Mr. A. A. Hawkins, of Brisbane, for £950, for the erection of the Cook memorial, at Cooktown, will be accepted. This sum will only include the ...
Article : 113 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 49 wordsThe total quantity of wheat afloat for the United Kingdom is 1,670,000 quarters, or £20,000 quarters more than last week. Copper (Chilian bazs) in 15s. higher—£41 per ...
Article : 155 wordsThere was a fair attendance at the Australian Gardens on Saturday evening, and a good variety programme was apparently much appreciated by those present. These concerts ...
Article : 47 wordsSIR PATRICK JENNINGS blew a centennial bubble, and the Assembly of New South Wales have ruthlessly blown upon it. It was beautiful to look ...
Article : 917 wordsA MEETING of the committee of the Ly-ee-Moon Fund was held in the Mayor's office this morning, his worship being in the chair. The honorary secretary (Mr. W. H. G. Marshall) ...
Article : 121 wordsIT may be said, without much danger of denial, that the semi mythical individual who is described as the "oldest inhabitant" could not out of his traditions of antiquity match ...
Article : 265 wordsTHERE is now on view in tho premises recently occupied by Izatt and Mitchell, next the Post Office, a clever optical illusion, exhibited under the title of " Thauma," and which ...
Article : 81 wordsTHE usual weekly meeting of the Red Hill Blue Ribbon workers was held on Saturday night. The hall was again crowded, several having to stand. Mr. G. Lowis occupied the ...
Article : 896 wordsUNDER instructions from the Mayor the general inspector (Mr. Lee Bryce), on the 14th instant forwarded to the Government analyst (Mr. R. Mar) two samples of water taken from ...
Article : 104 wordsAt the colonial wool auctions to-day 12,000 bales were offered, making a total of 200,500 bales during the series. The tone of the market was weaker. ...
Article : 59 wordsThe mails by the Orient Company's R.M.S. Austral, which left Melbourne on August 20, were delivered here to-day, via Naplss. LONDON, September 25. ...
Article : 66 wordsA MEETING was held at the Academy of Music latt night under the auspices of the Brisbane Freethought Association. Professor Lindeell and Mr. F. Fowler played some high ...
Article : 249 wordsThere was very little excitement manifested over the sculling match for the championship of the world between Beach and Wallace Rose, which was rowed on the Thames to-day. ...
Article : 139 wordsThe boxing contest between Lees and Jackson for the championship of Australia and £200 aside was won by Jackson, after 30 rounds. Although great precautions are taken at the ...
Article : 380 wordsThe Press strictures have greatly disturbed the Exhibition clique, and the Prince of Wales has summoned Sir P. Cunliffe Owen to Abergeldie to confer on the situation. An addendum ...
Article : 94 wordsA MAGISTERIAL inquiry was held on the 25th August last before Mr. W. H Day, into the circumstances attending the death of Charles Hausen. The evidence taken at the inquiry ...
Article : 344 wordsMr. Themson, secretary to the Victorian Commission, has written to Melbourne proving Mr. Bosito, C.M.G., and himself blameless in connection with the colonial wins question. He ...
Article : 46 wordsThe Daily Telegraph admits that the Brennan torpedo is the beet. It is being ravised by the Admiralty, who are building special gunboats to enable them to utilise the invention. ...
Article : 36 wordsThe seulling match between William Beach, the champion oarsman of tho world, and Wallsce Ross, of New Brunswick, was rowed to-day over the usual champion course from ...
Article : 114 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 188 wordsJohn Cameron reports a Tory small attendance at the sale of the Ravensburn Estate on Saturday, in conceequence of the inclemency of the weather. Those who were prevented from ...
Article : 180 wordsThe Australian Kleven to-day concluded a two days' match at Birmingham against an eleven of England. Tho weather was drill, but there was a large attendance. The visitors ...
Article : 109 wordsTHE sums stated below were deposited in the city and suburban penny savings banks on Saturday evening last:—£ s. d. ...
Article : 110 wordsParliament was to-day prorogued by commission until 11th November. The Queen's Speech states that the relations of the British Empire with foreign Powers continue satisfactory. ...
Article : 254 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Mon 27 Sep 1886, Page 4
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