"That's a very pretty dress of yours, dear. It looks just like silk." "But it is silk." "Oh, dear, I thought it was worsted!" "What, then," the new woman asked ...
Article : 843 wordsWhat a glowing prospect is held out to the Australian musician at the idea of a visit to Paris—that home of graud opera, State endowed and encouraged; the city that stirred ...
Article : 2,672 wordsAn aged man sauntering across a Cleveland street the ether day, says the Plain Dealer, was rudely jostled by a youthful wheelman. The collision tumbled the rider off, and the old ...
Article : 117 wordsIt was night; over a desolate tract of stony plain a great red moon looked down, throwing weird circles of light and shade on the phantom gidgee-trees that rose up here and there— ...
Article : 512 wordsWho doesn't like to read about buried treasure? Who hasn't dreamed of finding it? What delight suddenly to possess vast riches? Shining gold, sparkling gems! Things for ...
Article : 1,089 wordsA tourist recently returned from America describes the following curious courtship of which he was a witness. He says:—I was in what is known as the "flagpond" district of ...
Article : 224 wordsWhen orange marmalade was first introduced into England, it was extensively advertised as an "excellent substitute for butter." A Lancashire working man's wife, seeing ...
Article : 154 wordsA smart but not very well-mannered young man was driving his gig one rainy day. when he came to a toll-bar and demanded what was to pay. ...
Article : 85 wordsFor many miles round the Angle Pole, in the wurleys of the blacks, there was wailing and lamentation. Death had come among the Alberga tribe — awful in its mysterious ...
Article : 727 wordsA Liverpool man who suspected an Irishman in his employ of tampering with his private stock of whisky allowed the demijohn to become empty, and, instead of filling ...
Article : 175 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 141 wordsThere is nothing which be damps the ardour of a hungry man as exasperating and unnecessary trifles; therefore, when he picked up the bill of fare and found it. printed in ...
Article : 270 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 32 wordsA young doctor who had started a now practice in the country, took a run up to town to see his hospital chums. "Well, how are you getting on?" asked one. "First ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 24 Jul 1897, Page 35
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