Lorimer was once more alone in his house. Karong-bukalla was let on a long lease, the rent being-forwarded by an agent whom she had appointed to Niarri. Winifred married, ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,472 wordsHenceforth Niarri's life was for a few weeks dangerously happy. It was too late for this rapturous happiness to proceed one degree farther, she knew. She had long since learned ...
Article : 1,769 wordsA few weeks later the newspapers all over the civilized world were again filled with the doings of the celebrated and beautiful Madame Niarri and her return to the stage. The ...
Article : 980 wordsIt happened that Lorimer's business detained him so late in town as to cause him to drive very fast to reach home by 6 o'clock. The season was the end of the autumn; the days ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 20 Jun 1896, Page 37
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