" That story about the German who tried to light his pipe at the carbons of an arc light," said a gentleman recently to an American newspaper man, "reminds me of a scene I ...
Article : 285 wordsIn speaking of a.person's franks, Pray, don't forget your own; Remember, in those homes of glass, We should seldom throw a stone. ...
Article : 206 wordsMrs.Moneybags— "Your soil's extravagance is increasing. He wants a, new plaything. This time it is a stable of racehorses" Mr. Moneybags—"That's all right. I was afraid he ...
Article : 1,020 wordsHere is a story which Froude told of a Devonshire farmer and his Bible:—, Froude had been staying jn. Devonshire in a familiar parish. and he had called on a ...
Article : 187 words{No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]
Detailed lists, results, guides : 3,455 wordsA pedestriau tourist proceeding towards Abbotsford saw a man breaking stones by the roadside, and thought he might lie able to tell him how many miles he had yet to go. When ...
Article : 197 words" Now, what do you want?" asked the sharpnosed woman. " I called to see if I couldn't sell you some bakin' powder," said the seedy gentleman with ...
Article : 112 wordsDeep in the depths of yonder lonesome wood, Where dark and sombre shadows stretch around, And branches meet to cluster overhead, And cast their shadows on the darkened ground. ...
Article : 191 wordsA Durham miner, aged 73,' visited a lawyer (a bachelor) for the purpose of making his will. The old man's property consisted of two small cottages, which bad cost him £150, and a little ...
Article : 193 wordsSome men are able to joke in the midst of the most fearful circumstances, and, unless their nonsense is in bad taste, it is not illtimed, but, on the contrary, is generally ...
Article : 348 wordsShe wakes! in the furthest West the murmur has reached our ears—She wakes! in the furthest Hast, the Russian listens and fears— ...
Article : 281 wordsThe Duke of Sutherland presented a park to one of the pottery towns. The opening was a big event, and the Prince of Wales was asked to peform the ceremony. A ...
Article : 165 wordsOft discontent preys hard upon the mind, And eats its cankerous way into the soul, The heart yearns for something it cannot find—Something it vainly thinks can make it whole. ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 30 May 1896, Page 36
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